Friday, April 22, 2016

Final Pieces for 100 Drawings on Cheap Paper with Jane Davies

Jane Davies surely knows how to delight!  Her workshops are inspirational, challenging and full of fun techniques and advise.  For the final project - lets call it my last 10 we were instructed to write our own assignment.  My assignment was to create a collage and then narrow the information down to just 25%.  This was difficult for me as I hate to let go and cover up what I had done.  I loved the collages that I had created.  They were fun, vibrant and full of stuff but there was no where for the eye to rest.  So with wild abandon I took white paint to all 10 pieces, leaving just a small portion of the collage that I felt was most interesting.  I'm not sure I am happy with the results.  I still miss what I covered up and it pangs me a little when I look at the "before" photos.  This is exactly what I needed.  Bravery!  sigh....

My favorite completed piece.
Scroll to the bottom to see the other eight.

Adding line over collage

Adding line

Details before the white paint!

Work in progress - the mess I make!


  1. I'm doing 100 Drawings now...I might just steal your final project idea... :)
